Fused cast

Void-free electrofused 93% zirconia


Excellent corrosion resistance and glass contact properties with the lowest potential for seed and blister formation.

Typical application

The void-free electrofused 93% zirconia, SCIMOS UZ DCL solution is used in a very large range of applications:

Mainly for glass-contact in various kind of specialty glasses including boro-silicate, alkali-free glass, crystal glass, glass ceramics, opal fluoride

Available for bottom application : SCIMOS UZ DCL TILE

Chemical and physical properties


Microstructure of SCIMOS UZ DCL

Typical chemical composition


Typical crystallographic analysis


Physical characteristics

Description International standards British standards
Cold crushing strength >500MPa >72,518psi
Refractoriness under load 2 105Pa, 0.5% at 1,800°C 3,272°F
Typical bulk density 5.40g/cm3 337pcf

Thermal conductivity curve

thermal conductivity curve scimos UZ dcl


The void-free electrofused 93% zirconia, SCIMOS UZ DCL solution must be stored in a dry environment protected from weather conditions.

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