Fused cast

Void-free electrofused zirconia with high electrical resistivity


Excellent corrosion resistance and glass contact properties combined with a high electrical resistivity.
This product is exclusively produced at the Falconer, NY, USA plant.
Equivalent to SCIMOS MCZ DCL solution.

Typical application

The void-free electrofused zirconia with high electrical resistivity, MONOFRAX® ZHR Epic-3 solution is used for glass-contact.
It achieves a high electrical resistivity while providing low blister and stoning potential.
Typically used for electrode blocks, paving and sidewall for electric melting of specialty glasses.

Chemical and Physical Properties


Microstructure ZHR EPIC-3

Physical characteristics

Description International standards British standards
Refractoriness under load 2 105Pa, 0.5% at 1,800°C 3,272°F
Cold crushing strength >400 MPa >58,015psi
Typical bulk density 5.04g/cm3 315pcf


The void-free electrofused zirconia with high electrical resistivity solution must be stored in a dry environment protected from weather conditions.

Related products

Fused cast

Void-free electrofused 93% zirconia

Excellent corrosion resistance and glass contact properties.
This product is exclusively produced at the Falconer, NY, USA plant.
Equivalent to SCIMOS Z DCL solution. 

Fused cast

Void-free electrofused zirconia with high electrical resistivity

Excellent corrosion resistance and glass contact properties combined with a high electrical resistivity

Fused cast

Void-free electrofused zirconia with high electrical resistivity

Excellent corrosion resistance and glass contact properties combined with a high electrical resistivity

Fused cast

Void-free electrofused zirconia with improved high electrical resistivity

Excellent corrosion resistance and glass contact properties combined with a very high and stable electrical resistivity while providing the lowest potential for seed and blister formation.